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£30 / £25 early bird

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So… you want to backbend easier, drop back & stand up? Workshop with Phil Douglas

Sunday 28th January 2:30pm-5:00pm

Sunday 28th January
£30 /  £25 early bird (before 14th Jan)

The process of dropping back from standing into urdhva dhanurasna (UD) is a significant milestone for most practitioners. Coming back up to stand is… also a major stepping stone in the development of their asana journey- typically requiring more technique than the initial dropping back.

This movement can be introduced relatively early on- and will develop significant strength, flexibility, coordination & confidence. This workshop will introduce methods for key openings in the front body required for comfortable, deep backbends & highlight techniques & drills to be able to drop back into UD and return to Standing.

We will also cover: backbending inversions, the handstand drop over into UD and techniques for approaching the Ultimate Vinyasa of the tic tac (vipparitta chakrasana)

(except complete beginners).

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