Meditation (FREE) with Phil Douglas
Sundays 8:15am-8:40am
Saturday 1st March 2025 1:00pm-3:30pm
Jumping Through…. Jumping Back… Handstands & Arm Balances Workshop
Saturday 1st March 1:00pm-3:30pm
£35 / £30 early bird (before 5th feb)
The process of jumping through from downward dog to sitting usually takes some time to develop.
The reverse: jumping from sitting back to downward dog usually takes… um, some more time to develop.
There is great value in this process- our practice should be viewed as a process, rather than a destination. It is in the periods when we are faced with a challenging situation that provides us with the greatest opportunity to observe our deeply ingrained patterns (samskaras): learn to breathe, meet them with less tension, and perhaps make friends with that particular adversity- revealing the luminosity of the natural, liberated state.
This workshop will begin with a short discussion on what is involved for the body, practice section, and several practical techniques to practice at home. We will also cover technique on how to develop handstand and approach select arm balancing postures: chaturanga, galavasana, bakasana, tittibasana,
koundinyasana, astavakrasana along with the Vinyasa for entry + exit to each posture.Open to all levels (except complete beginners).
Sundays 8:15am-8:40am
Saturday 18th - Sunday 19th & Saturday 25th - Sunday 26th January 12:45pm-2:00pm
Saturday 25th January 2025 2:15pm-4:45pm