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£20 suggested donation (but not expected)

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2023 Archive: Teachings with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche

2023 Friday 21 - Sunday 23rd July 3:00–5:30pm

Friday 21 – Sunday 23rd July
£20 suggested donation per day (no one turned away)*

Friday 3pm-5:30pm: meditation – teaching & practice
Saturday & Sunday 3pm-5:30pm: selections from tokmé zongpo’s 37 practices of a bodhisattva

Rinpoche will also be teaching the GAL DROLMA global sangha from 2-2:40pm online on the Saturday & Sunday – all welcome to join either in person or online. more details here

*£20 is the suggested but not expected donation. Donations of any amount can be made in person.

Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche was born in Tibet and is a long time student of His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche. He studied the philosophy of the four schools of Tibetian Buddhism under numerous khenpos, such as Khenpo Munsel and Khenpo Jigme Phunsok. He taught for five years at Kagyu College in India founded by His Holiness Drikung Kabgyon Chetsang, from whom he received the vast teachings and transmissions of the Drikung Kagyu lineage. He has written a commentary on Jigten Sumgon’s Gong Chik – one of the significant philosophical texts of the Kagyu Lineage. He is currently the Dharma teacher at Gar Drolma Choling in Dayton Ohio, USA.

Born in Kham, in the Nangchen region of Eastern Tibet. “When I was seven years old I received the vows of Refuge from Garchen Rinpoche, and at the age of twelve I became ordained as a monk. I learned how to perform lama dance and pujas, and to play various musical instruments and so forth. For three years I traveled every winter with Rinpoche making the rounds to over 15 or so different towns to hold great accomplishment practices, or drubchens. During the summers we would stay in retreat at the monastery in Gargon. Not long after that I had the great fortune of traveling with my kind root lama, Garchen Rinpoche to Amdo, where I met another extraordinary and highly realized lama, the Revered Dzogchen master Khenpo Munsel. From this great master I was able to receive direct pointing out instructions on the nature of mind. From these experiences I found that my mind had been deeply transformed.”https://gardrolma.org/khenpo-samdup-spiritual-director/

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