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£150 / £100 early bird / free for SYS TT alumni

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2024 Archive: Virtual Four Immeasurables Course with Michael Lobsang Tenpa

Wednesdays 6th, 13th, 20th November & 4th December 7:00pm-9:30pm

Wednesdays Nov 6th, 13th, 20th & Dec 4th
7pm – 9:30pm
£150 / £100 early bird (before 11th Oct)
Free for all SYS TT alumni

Four immeasurable attitudes, also referred to as the “four divine abodes” — love, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity — form the very heart of Buddhist methods for cultivating benevolence and prosocial skills.

Equally appreciated in the Pali and Sanskrit textual traditions of Buddhist teachings, these four attitudes are helpful for establishing attentional balance (training in concentration), transforming our relationships with others, and building healthy intentional communities for bringing change to the world. For Mahayana Buddhists, they form the basis of the awakened altruistic attitude of bodhicitta; on a universal level, they represent a wonderful way to strengthen one’s emotional intelligence.

This four-part course on the four immeasurables will serve as an introduction to their practice, combining meditation sessions with an exploration of the traditional textual sources of Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Pali origins. The participants will be able to establish their own practice of the immeasurables, place them within the larger context of their personal contemplative life, and find ways to use these methods to potentially benefit others. Links to guided meditations and additional sources will also be provided.

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